Share your ideas

Collaborate with your neighborhood, building, club, faculty or any space that you think is important to improve

Take part

Why take part?

When entering into the platform, you can be able to debate different matters, choose and decide important issues to improve the wellbeing of your community.


Through teamwork and a collaborative spirit, you will be able to contribute to a common good.


Inspire and develop what you have in mind to benefit your environment.


You can get involved in all the proposals that are of interest to you before the decisions are made.


All the proposals of your community will be available for you to participate.

Benefits for your organization


Promotes the participation of all stakeholders and gets more people involved in decision making.


The possibility of exchanging diverse opinions enriches the final decision making.


Having a formal channel of interaction and a common space to vote increases the seriousness of the proposals.


Propose through the platform allows you to save time and optimize participation and decision making.

How it works?

Enter a community of your choice or create a new one

Make contributions, comment and interact with users and create new proposals

Meet the most visited or voted proposals and decide on their evolution with your vote

Take part in a vote

Find topics of your interest and participate

Create a debate

Implement a community to discuss issues

YoParticipo ir already being used in…


Participate in public affairs that affect you as a citizen and foster the good development of what surrounds you


Propose ideas, discuss with your colleagues and authorities and decide together improvements in your study center

Assemblies of co-ownership

It will be part of the decisions that are made in your common space and contributed to a better coexistence

Private businesses

There are infinite possibilities, you decide for which community to contribute

Contact us and start improving your community